Ready, Set, Sell Part 1

Part 1 of 3

Do you break out in a cold sweat just thinking about getting your house ready to sell? A plan of action eliminates anxiety and builds resolve. Though readying your home to sell involves some effort, it can be an exciting adventure!

Step 1
Step 1 of the plan involves making a great first impression. Experts say that people form a first impression within seven seconds. Outdoor aesthetics can play a critical role in this ‘wow’ factor. Weed and feed the lawn to create a lush carpet of green grass contrasted with fresh mulch and vibrant flowers. Trees and bushes sometimes hide a home rather than enhance it. Prune trees or remove bushes to showcase the home’s unique features. Draw buyers in with pristine sidewalks, simplistic front porches, and immaculate front doors.

Step 2
Step 2 consists of cleaning and decluttering. When I listed a close friend’s home, her approach inspired me. She challenged her children to create the cleanest, most attractive room in the house. The formerly cluttered house transformed into a neat and sparkling showplace. The moral of the story: elbow grease is cheapand magic sponges go a long way. From light switches and baseboards to cabinets and drawers, make your house move-in ready. Change air filters, clean vent hood filters and vents on bathroom fans. Never underestimate the transforming power of paint! Fresh, neutral paint cleans and brightens, and it is inexpensive.

Step 3
Finally, the dreaded question, “How much money will I have to spend to get this house ready to sell?” DIY repairs such as re-caulking tubs, replacing sprinkler heads, repairing damaged pieces of laminate or wood, and insulating attic doors save money. Spend money where it counts most: upgrades to kitchen and master bath. In addition, buyers want open-concept homes. It is relatively inexpensive to knock out a non-load bearing wall to create open space. Clean, repair and spruce-up patios and decks for a relaxing outdoor living space. Are you thinking about selling your house? There’s no need to sweat it! Get ready, make a plan, and go for it!

Article written for and features in Link Magazine

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